segunda-feira, março 22, 2010

Them and You

They come into your life.
They seduce you with their soft words
Their tender eyes, loving smiles.
They come with offers of friendship
Fun days and nights
A chance to improve on your mundane daily routine.
You welcome them.
They talk of their pasts, their problems
Misfortunes and mistakes,
Dreams and desires,
Troubles and worrys.
You listen to them. And you dont judge
They say "it's good to talk to you",
"It's good to know you"...

You are now hipnotized, mesmerised
Enchanted at every word uttered by their sweet mouths.
You feel you can rely on them, trust them
You become vulnerable, yet safe
You open yourself to them.
You expose yourself, you put yourself in their hands
You suppose that there are no restrictions,
No hold backs, they wont judge you...

You suppose wrong!

For they do not feel as you do
They do not understand you
Your caring and understanding,
Your sincerity and honesty are alien to them
It frightens them, repels them

They start to back away...

The days and nights become fewer and fewer
The intervals between them...longer and longer
You cannot understand their behaviour
"Was it something i said?", "something id done?"
And then it hits you, like it did many times before...

They didnt care about you,
They never did.
They just wanted someone to talk to
To listen
But never to ask "why?"
To confront their beliefs, their actions
Not because you are accusing them
Or even trying to hurt them
But because you want to know them
Really know them
Because you care
Because you feel for them
(Even though it's not reciprocate and you always knew)
And still, you want to help them.

But it's too late

They never realised that you already made your choice
Of knowing the ugliness of the world
The narrow-mindness and hipocrisy
The fake smiles and laughs
And fight it, with sincerity
Kindness and respect
And love, above all love.

You are now, again where you started
But still sure of who you are
It's too late for them...

But not for you.
Never for you!

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